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Appendix F List of Symbols

Symbol Description Location
\(K_n\) the complete graph on \(n\) vertices Paragraph
\(K_n\) the complete graph on \(n\) vertices. Item
\(K_{m,n}\) the complete bipartite graph of of \(m\) and \(n\) vertices. Item
\(C_n\) the cycle on \(n\) vertices Item
\(P_n\) the path on \(n+1\) vertices Item
\(\chi(G)\) the chromatic number of \(G\) Paragraph
\(\chi'(G)\) the chromatic index of \(G\) Paragraph
\(N(S)\) the set of neighbors of \(S\text{.}\) Paragraph
\(P, Q, R, S, \ldots\) propositional (sentential) variables Paragraph
\(\wedge\) logical “and” (conjunction) Item
\(\vee\) logical “or” (disjunction) Item
\(\neg\) logical negation Item
\(\exists\) existential quantifier Assemblage
\(\forall\) universal quantifier Assemblage
\(\emptyset\) the empty set Item
\(\U\) universal set (domain of discourse) Item
\(\N\) the set of natural numbers Item
\(\Z\) the set of integers Item
\(\Q\) the set of rational numbers Item
\(\R\) the set of real numbers Item
\(\pow(A)\) the power set of \(A\) Item
\(\{, \}\) braces, to contain set elements. Item
\(\st\) “such that” Item
\(\in\) “is an element of” Item
\(\subseteq\) “is a subset of” Item
\(\subset\) “is a proper subset of” Item
\(\cap\) set intersection Item
\(\cup\) set union Item
\(\times\) Cartesian product Item
\(\setminus\) set difference Item
\(\bar{A}\) the complement of \(A\) Item
\(\card{A}\) cardinality (size) of \(A\) Item
\(A\times B\) the Cartesian product of \(A\) and \(B\) Paragraph
\(f(A)\) the image of \(A\) under \(f\text{.}\) Paragraph
\(f\inv(B)\) the inverse image of \(B\) under \(f\text{.}\) Paragraph
\(P(n)\) the \(n\)th case we are trying to prove by induction Paragraph
\(42\) the ultimate answer to life, etc. Paragraph